Tuesday, February 26, 2008


After twelve years I got back to Vienna. One thing I can say – Places I thought of being boring as hell like Geneva, Brussels, Luxemburg, Gant, Frankfurt or Taipei are WILD next to Vienna!

How can such a grand city, with so many unique buildings, squares, hotels, opera houses and money be so boring?!
It just has a really, really heavy and negative energy. Most people are rude and look like their about to punch you in the face and its not very usual to see someone talk or laugh!

If you have or want to check out Empress Sisi’s city anyway…Don’t miss Madame Butterfly in the Vienna Opera House – I did go and was amazed by it all!

After that treat yourself for a flute de champagne in the Hotel Imperial bar and a real royal dinner in their restaurant.
Their “café’ is also a great option for dinner. There you will find a mix of very rich business men with their lovers and la crème de la crème of the 1800-1900’s society. Ladies, covered in jewels and smoking like there is no tomorrow. Really worth seeing it!

The Hotel Bristol was my option to stay and I have to say it was also a great alternative. Not as grand as the Imperial but still a very old fashioned, chic and central hotel. The rooms are big, with marble bathrooms, walls covered in silk and some even have a balcony facing the Opera House!

Please do not miss a walk around town and especially don’t miss Demel Chocolate House – WOW!!


Anonymous said...

fica-se cheio de tesão a ver estas fotos. :P

Anonymous said...

Já te disse para fazeres a cama antes de tirares os retratos! Parece mal...

Pedro Caldeira said...

Lololol eu ca sou assim. Gosto de tudo sujinho e desarrumado.... :P

Unknown said...

Tu tens um gosto para casacos...

Amélia Grimaldi said...

Eu tenho uma relação complicada com Viena..., é uma cidade linda, maravilhosa, verdadeiramente imperial..., mas tão imperial que nos esmaga. Não é, de todo, uma cidade acolhedora ou simpática. Mas é bonita de se ver.

Ó helmut lang, tens cá um gosto para vibradores...

Pedro Caldeira said...

Concordo plenamente!
Vienna "is too much"! Bom para passar um dia, dois no maximo e optimo para que esteja a contemplar o suicídio...

Bom para ti Helmut...